If you are reading this, you are probably an adventure seeker, and a smart one, because you want to learn how you can travel for free! – Am I right?
In case you are new here, welcome I’m Jen, and like you, I like to travel the world. As a matter of fact, it is no secret that your girl travels A LOT. It’s also no secret that because of my travel I’ve accumulated a lot of points, which in turn allows me to travel some more FOR FREE!
I know that’s awesome for me and you may be wanting to do the same. So, if you’re asking, ‘Jen, how the heck do I do the same?” Hold your horses, sista! I am gonna tell you, step by step down below!
First I have to share with you The 11 Best Travel Credit Cards to Maximize Your Rewards [November 2019] from Upgraded Points. Upgraded Points has taught me everything I know! The reason this is so important is that I am going to explain exactly how to REALLY utilize these cards every day without actually using them.
I know. Bare with me. Promise you’re gonna learn a lot. I use these methods below for my everyday life and get points for traveling DAILY!
Step One:
Pick a card. My top three favorites on that list are Chase Sapphire Preferred, Amex Platinum, and Capital One Venture.
Step Two:
Pick any one of these cards and visit there ‘shopping portal”. Go to Google and type in… (see below)
Step Three: 
Pick the provider you normally do shopping at. For example, a lot of these cards are an affiliate with places like Target, Walmart, Gap, Macy’s, Bloomingdales, etc.
For me, I normally do groceries at Target, so I would click on Target and automatically get re-routed to the Target website. I would normally do my shopping and at the end of check out, when I am paying I would pay as I normally would and done! When you return to your credit card dashboard you see the points you accumulated from your Target purchase.
Make sure to check on the promotional deal happening that day. There are card deals and promotions daily, ESPECIALLY around the holiday. (for double, sometimes triple points).
I highly recommend checking out Upgraded Points for more tricks to maximizing your points.
For me, this is the best way I’ve learned to utilize my points from everyday shopping. It’s become a habit. As someone who is always online this is how I normally shop online, so why not get rewarded for utilizing my credit cards.
Do you have other tricks to maximizing your points rewards? Share all the deets down below in the comments.
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