7 Reasons To Quit Your Job & 1 Reason You Should NEVER

Did you know that in 2018 the #1 Googled Search was “How do I quit my job?”

What are your plans for 2020? Have you Googled this before? Be honest! 

This is a normal thing. I’ve been there. You’re talking to the queen of quitting your job to do something SO VERY different and drastic. 

In 2015, I left my corporate job to travel the world with clean water filters. I became a content creator. I taught myself all the technical skill sets to run my business. Fast forward 4.5 years later and I’ve been to 44 countries across 6 continents. 

Now, before I get into this, I want to make it clear that I am not encouraging you to quit your job. I am just giving you suggestions of reasons to consider that are valid. This could also mean that you use these suggestions for applying to another company! It doesn’t have to be for your own business. 

And if you really want my opinion, Join my FREE community the Passionate & Purposeful Entrepreneur’s Facebook Group. I am constantly popping in to share free advice, content, tips, and even exclusive discounts to working with me!

Reasons To Quit

1- You’re tired of going to work!

You feel It. You don’t like what you do. Every morning you’re struggling. Getting out of bed is a hustle. It’s starting to affect your outside relationships. 

Know the difference between being lazy and knowing you’re tired of the same thing and it’s turning into a toxic thought, place, and overall experience. 

2- You Aren’t Feeling Challenged

As humans, we are meant to grow. Evolve! If you aren’t doing this in the place you spend the majority of your day then it’s time to look elsewhere. 

You should feel like you’re putting in value and your receiving value. This is so important. If we are not growing we are dying, so make sure that all your relationships are supporting your growth. 

3- You’ve Been There Long Enough

If you’ve worked at the same place for over 8-10 years. It’s time! Are you in the same position, level of management? Why haven’t you moved up? If you’re ‘stuck’ chances are everyone around you feels/ sees that too. It’s time to move. 

Also, consider the benefits of a new job, it gives you the opportunity to reinvent yourself as a professional. – This is exciting. 

4- Your Commute is Over An Hour

Imagine commuting to work each day and spending 2-3 hours on a bus or car in traffic. When you can be spending time with family, friends, or your children. Maybe even going to the gym. Cooking a delicious dinner with your husband. 

Distance between ‘life’ and ‘work’ shouldn’t be that far! 

5- Toxic Environment

They say you are who you spend most of your time with. That being said, who are you hanging out with at work? Is it ‘Negative Nancy’ by the water cooler. Maybe it’s ‘Debbie the Downer’ by the kitchen complaining about working too much and not getting paid enough. Or maybe you have a micromanaging boss that is giving anxiety. 

If you’re feeling like your workplace has turned into a negative toxic place either talk to HR about moving positions or look to a place that allows you to feel safe, comfortable, and creative. 

Creativity is key for high vibrations in the workplace!

Also, consider working from home if you want. There are many companies that offer remote location jobs. – Do your research! 

6- You have another job offer or you’re starting your own business.

This is always a good idea to quit. If you have a better offer or you’re ready to finally create the DREAM life you want and start working for yourself. 

Last but not least… 

7-You’re gut feeling.

You know when you feel this. This is the most important. When I quit, I knew I was meant to do more and be more. I could feel it. It was like I was ‘in love’ with the idea of starting my own thing and being on my own. It was time.

NOW! I’ve shared with you all 7 reasons to quit your job. The #1 reason you should never quit your job is because of Money. 

Unless you truly love what you do and you don’t feel like you’re getting compensated for what you deserve, then sure quit but don’t quit a job you hate to start another job you hate for more money. Don’t let money be the reason because the truth is you’ll never have enough and you’ll always be chasing it.

Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough.”- Oprah W.

Ok! Now you are ready to meditate or even journal it out! Time to make a decision my friend. Unless you take action everything will stay the same. And remember, not making a decision is a decision within itself!