Let me start by saying that a ‘BLOG’ is just a long conversation.

A blog is simply a website about something that you like talking about.

Are you interested in starting a blog?

Ask yourself this, “What do I LOVE talking about? “ – once you can answer that, you have a blog!

Now you’re probably wondering why the hell I titled this blog “Signs It’s Time To Pivot Your Business [ A Message For My Community ]” and here’s why:

1 – I am going to share some serious pivots I have done in my business over the last couple of months. If you have been following me from the beginning, you’ve noticed. If you’re NEW, welcome! For those that are going through transformations in business – in life – this article will serve you. So keep reading.

2 – To my ‘OG’S’ -those that have been following me since I posted my FIRST HORRIFIC YOUTUBE video – that I’ve since removed- don’t worry, one day I will share again, I just can’t stop cringing. I owe you an explanation for my transformation. 

Before I begin, here’s a little message to my community of about 30k- ish. THANK YOU!! From the bottom of my heart!! For sticking through and supporting me. Without you, NONE of this would be possible! I wouldn’t be able to grow. Anyone who is a blogger, influencer, and/or content creator wouldn’t be where they were if it weren’t for YOU!


Being a Blogger/Influencer/Content Creator is a BRAND

Brands evolve. Period. 

There is nothing left to say here except that brands change. A brand is an entity that evolves over time. 

If a blogger/influencer/and or content creators are ‘Brands’ then, yes, they change! So it’s normal to pivot your business and brand as you change and evolve. 

I started my blog at 25 years old, (current age = 30 ) and although five years doesn’t seem like a lot, it is. The things I wanted to do at 25 years old, when I first started my blog were merely a dream. 

Today I’ve accomplished a lot of those goals so much faster than I thought, which means my dreams are BIGGER. 

Life Moves FAST

If this is happening to you, you know what I mean when I say: “Life moves fast.”

The things that would take you weeks to accomplish, are happening in days and sometimes hours. You’re manifesting and changing your life more than you could have ever imagined. 

You’re seeing yourself accomplishing your personal life goals quicker than you thought and you’re getting bored of talking about the same old’ thing. 

You want to reach a broader audience. 

Impact and change more lives. 

This is another sign it’s time to pivot. 

This Is Why You Started In the First Place

Ever ask yourself, why you started this business in the first place? 

Most of you would respond because you had a passion for something and you wanted to create FREEDOM. 

Freedom for your life.

So why overthink a pivot in your business?
It’s your business.

Do whatever the heck you want. 

If you’re worried you’ll lose followers?
You will.
It means you’re growing.
Get over it. 

If you’re worried you won’t make money?
That’s BS and you know it! If you’ve made it thus far as a successful business owner, then honey, you know how to make money.

Cut the crap. 


My BIG dream hasn’t changed:  I want to change the world. 

My trajectory has changed and how I thought I had to make it happen has changed but the final destination hasn’t. 

Who I am hasn’t changed.  I have evolved over time because I’ve traveled to 44 countries and I’ve lived in a few places. So yeah, your girl is gonna change.

My integrity and who I am and what I stand for; has not. 

For those of you struggling with pivoting your business, do it. If you find you’re more passionate about it than before. Go for it! It will shine through.

There is no strategy. It must be done. 

Over the last year and a half, you’ve heard me share more of the ‘business’ side of things. How I’ve created a brand, traveled the world, and made a living off. 

I’ve slowed down with the travel because I got tired.
I burnt out.
Simply just that.
I also realized that I wanted to slow down. 

I needed to re-adjust my business model. Same end-game different road map. 

What You Should Be Expecting From Me

More of me. 

More social impact.
More YouTube Videos (a lot more. Launching my NEW Channel Soon)- Subscribe here if you want to get all the new content as it is published.
More blogs.
More trips (that you can join).
More movement (do it for humanity)!

A Weekly News Letter for all my insights to be on the loop!

p.s You can join my free Facebook Community and get all weekly live trainings – FOR FREE.