Building a social media presence that feels authentic and produces results can be a challenge in today’s noisy online platforms. You may often wonder if it is even possible at all. 

While it is indeed, not as easy as way back when social media came into existence, building a social media presence today is 100% doable, plus we now have better resources and strategy on how to make it happen. 

SO, if you want a client magnet brand on social media and to produce profitable results from your brand online. Take your notebook out and let’s get to work. 

Down below are my top 13 tips to build a social media presence that feels authentic to you and your community while also generating you the results you want. 


Set real goals. What do I mean? I mean, set measurable goals. Like, say you want to increase engagement by 25% or 50% on Instagram. Better yet, say you want to increase comments. Having a specific and clear goal it’s going to help you get there faster, while also helping you determine what the best tool to measure your result may be. 

Plan to make these things happen so you have a specific strategy. It makes it easier to accomplish. 


Who are you speaking to? Knowing who your audience is, is KEY! You can’t speak to someone if you don’t know who you’re speaking to. Remember to get specific. Don’t say your audience is between 18-45 because that is WAY too board. 

The way you speak to a 45-year-old about his or her problems is not the way you speak to an 18-year-old. Also, 45-year-olds have different problems than 18-year-olds!

Keep in mind WHERE your audience is too. If the majority of your audience is on Tik Tok because of their age range. Then you should be spending more time on Tik Tok than any other platform.


If I had a penny for every time I have said this. Be Real and BE SOCIAL. Social media is meant to be social. That is why it was created. So to see the growth you need to spend time being active on the platform. You can’t just post every other week and expect growth. 

You should be real. No one wants to see filtered, photoshopped photos anymore. Make it Shareable- interesting content that you know you’re audience wants. (refer to #13)


If you’re using social media for business as I do, then yes, sell, but what I mean is add more value. You should be showing up more for your audience than you should be offering to sell them something. 

You should be offering freebies, going LIVE, asking/answering questions, talking to people in the DMs. This is all part of the value. Don’t just message someone your packages and tell them where they are messing up. That’s rude and no one will buy from you. However, if you offer your two cents on some quick changes they can make in their business and then offer a free 20min call to learn more about their NEEDS, WANTS, GOALS, etc. You have now served and you will create a sale. 


I can’t say this enough: CONNECT, CONNECT, CONNECT!! This is what builds community. You should be building a community on social platforms. Your audience should be obsessed with talking about the things you’re passionate about. Don’t worry about the followers, brands are more aware of the engagement and the quality of your following over the number of people that follow.


For platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. This is king to growth. Being able to be consistent with funneling content. Use systems like Hootesuite and Tailwind to push consistent content. 


Create a system of repurposing. When you feel like you have a few weeks of no new content repurpose old features, articles, pictures, videos, to push more content. Remember your audience is always growing. Some people haven’t seen you’re older stuff. 

If you have a Youtube channel or you create a lot of videos on Facebook or IGTV have someone transcribe those videos into blog posts or social media posts. This is one of the easiest ways to repurpose content.


Hashtags, Geotags, and Tags matter. Yes, they help. Sharing other people’s content on social platforms helps too! Just make sure you’re sharing within the same social platform. Facebook hates Youtube and vice versa. If you want to learn how to grow your Instagram account for ZERO to 10K watch this detail Youtube Video


I can’t stress this enough. Video is where it’s at. Stop worrying so much about how you look and make sure that what you’re saying is of quality and service. (refer to #4) Get on camera to share a story, get your audience involved in a decision you have to make, this will help you grow engagement. 

Stop telling yourself ‘no one really cares about my day!’. That’s actually not true. People do care and you should share! 


I am the first person that will tell you not to follow the trends. Be a trendsetter! However, if you’re really trying to grow your account, this is a BIG way to help make those moves quickly. Use ‘Google Trends’ to check out topics that relate to the time of things you normally talk about that could be trending.


There is more than enough everyone! Period. Work with other content creators, YouTubers, writers, etc to spread the word about something. Not only would you be adding value to their work, giving them more content to share with their audience but you will also be gaining their audience’s eyeballs on your stuff. 


Paying for sponsored ads is a good thing. If the quality of your product or service is good sometimes you need an extra boost. There is nothing wrong with that. It’s just like paying for Google Ads. However, don’t get that confused with buying followers that are just a waste of money. 


You’d be surprised what you can learn from your audience if you LISTEN!! Yup. Listen to what your audience wants. Ask them, poll them, DM them. Just ask how you best serve and support them. 

When you begin to listen to the needs of others you can create multiple growth opportunities for your business. 

I can’t let you go without mentioning the importance of your mindset throughout this whole game. You heard me right, it is just a game, that in order for us to win we must be having fun with. Yes, be strategic, implement systems and be consistent; but do not forget to nurture your mindset on the way. It will truly make a difference in your journey. 

Lastly, dear friends; ENJOY the process. You are in this for the long term legacy, enjoy your journey. You are not late, you are not a failure because you have not made it big yet, you are on your journey, simple like that. 

ps. If you want to be part of my vibrant private community and get access to live FREE trainings come join us in the Passionate + Purposeful Entrepreneurs Facebook Group!