Travel Posts2017-09-14T05:33:58-04:00
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When It’s Time To Hire A Team

By |September 20th, 2019|Business/Branding, Home|

The most valuable asset anyone has to offer is their time. We get paid not only for our skills but the amount of time that we invest in a given task. Running your own business is more than a full-time job. It’s a lifestyle, it takes over and easily requires 24/7 attention and focus, especially in the beginning. Once the foundation of your business is set the second most important step is avoiding burnout by implementing the right supporting systems. OPERATING IN YOUR ZONE OF GENIUS: When you have the foundation of your business and you know where you want to go, you [...]

4 Things To Consider When Creating A Business Idea

By |September 12th, 2019|Business/Branding, Home|

Optimal success as an entrepreneur requires a solid foundation. Your professional goals should be set in a way that you know exactly what you are working towards and what it will take to get there. When you set the foundation for your business, there are four questions that you need to think through; what is the structure of your business, what systems can you implement to support your work, are you solid in your mindset, and do you have a solid sales plan? If you don’t have something you’re selling, you don’t have a business. Each of these thought processes is going to [...]

How To Make Money With A Blog

By |August 22nd, 2019|Business/Branding, Home, Lifestyles|

Whats is a blogger?    “A blog is a discussion or informational website published on the World Wide Web consisting of discrete, often informal diary-style text entries."   In the short term, a “blogger” is someone who is writing and creating the content for a blog.    Starting a blog 101:   You can make money off a blog. As a blog is just the tool you use to let people know you’re an expert!  By putting your name out there and branding your content you have a better chance at being able to compete with other similar entrepreneurs. Not only will blogging allow you to [...]

Creating Authentic Content For Social Media 101 & Why It’s Important

By |August 21st, 2019|About Jen, Business/Branding, Lifestyles|

“Less perfection, more authenticity”- this is key.  Aren’t you sick of all the perfection on social media? The perfectly staged photo, the live video where the girl pretends to have just woken up- a face full of contoured makeup. The picture of the cute couple that seems like they never argue, and the one we all love the most, the gym lover that showcases their “perfect” bodies and appear to always feel 100% confident.  Now, do not get me wrong I love all of these, and it’s nice to see couples that are happy and people that are living their healthiest life and [...]

Turn Your Side Hustle Into a Full-Time Income Stream

By |July 25th, 2019|Business/Branding, Home|

Many of my conversations start with asking my clients “Why?” Why do you want to take your ‘side hustle’ at all? Why do you want to do this full time? Why this particular business? Being an entrepreneur is not for everyone. Evaluating the bigger picture is also crucial. Gaining perspective on what you are doing, whether or not you have competitors in the same market is irrelevant. If someone else is making a living from a similar business, then so can you!  If no one is doing what you want to do you have an entire market to yourself- so while there is [...]

4 Hacks To Running Your Business With Ease

By |July 23rd, 2019|Business/Branding, Home|

Running your own business isn’t easy and it’s definitely not for everyone. Not everyone succeeds in being an entrepreneur, regardless of industry, because it requires a different skillset to run the show on your own and stay true to your original mission. While there is no secret recipe to success, I do truly believe that are fundamentals that need to be honored and respected in order for us to really achieve what we were meant to do as entrepreneurs. Whatever your mark is on the world, you are not going to make it if you lose focus. Understanding the difference between creating a [...]

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