Running your own business isn’t easy and it’s definitely not for everyone.

Not everyone succeeds in being an entrepreneur, regardless of industry, because it requires a different skillset to run the show on your own and stay true to your original mission.

While there is no secret recipe to success, I do truly believe that are fundamentals that need to be honored and respected in order for us to really achieve what we were meant to do as entrepreneurs. Whatever your mark is on the world, you are not going to make it if you lose focus.

Understanding the difference between creating a business to sell, versus creating a legacy, is the key to running a successful business and taking ownership of who you are and what you represent. This is the foundation of success for an entrepreneur.

There are my 4 hacks to creating a business that both sells AND leaves a legacy.

1- Define your “WHY”
I am forever saying this for so many reasons. When you’re lost, confused, unsure of your ‘next step’ …go back to your ‘why’. Why do you wake up each morning to do what you do? What is your BIGGER picture? WHY did you start this journey in the first place? Your ‘WHY’ is everything.

2- Commit to your self-growth
If you are growing your business is too. Hire a coach. Read all the books. Take the workshops. Pay for the strategy call or weekend retreat. Get your mind to where it needs to be so that when you have moments of doubts and fear, you know what to do.

3- There is no plan b
The reason successful entrepreneurs exist is because there is no plan ‘B”. They are 1000% committed to making their business work. They hire the right team that has the same desires because they KNOW they have what it takes. They invest in their businesses, themselves, and whatever it takes to make it happen. THERE IS NO PLAN B.

Write it out. I don’t care how long your sales process is. WRITE IT OUT. Write out all the details of what systems you use. Create a bulletproof system for sales. I am not just talking about sales calls. I am talking what online systems you use to keep your appointments on time, your calendar. What payment systems you use, how should your ‘thank you’ emails be written?

Put in the work. Put in the systems you need and hire the people you need so that you can remain in your creative zone and focus on doing the part of the work that you love and that keeps you going. Don’t waste your time IN your business when you should be ON your business. Creating and be you.

Once you know why you want to run your own business, what is your purpose with it- then you have to dedicate yourself to it and put the right systems in place to support what your role truly should be.

A business has several moving parts but understanding and respecting that you can’t play all of the roles, will enable and empower you to tap into that great internal drive that inspired you to start on this journey in the first place.

ps. There is still time to join Two Weeks Notice Mastermind and fire your boss in 6 months. Two Weeks Notice Mastermind is Jen’s Signature Mastermind where she helps entrepreneurs build an online business and create their desired life. APPLY NOW!!